plan pracy

środa, 29 kwietnia 2020


Happy - szczęśliwy
Laugh - śmiać się
sad - smutny
cry płakać
angry - zły
stomp my feet - tupię
hungry - głodny
eat a snack - jem przekąskę

Kiedy jestem szczęśliwy, śmieję się
Kiedy jestem smutny, płaczę
Kiedy jestem zły, tupię
Kiedy jestem głodny, jem przekąskę

Lyrics: What do you do when you're happy? When I'm happy I laugh When I'm happy happy happy I laugh laugh laugh X 2 Ha ha ha ha ha! What do you do when you're sad? When I'm sad I cry When I'm sad sad sad I cry cry cry Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo! What do you do when you're angry? When I'm angry I stomp my feet Whe I'm angry angry angry I stomp my feet X 2 Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp What do you do when you're hungry? When I'm hungry I eat a snack When I'm hungry hungry hungry I eat a snack X 2 Yum yum yum yum yum! What do you do when you're sleepy? When I'm sleepy I go to sleep When I'm sleepy sleepy sleepy I go to sleep X 2

środa, 15 kwietnia 2020


Aby skorzystać z prezentacji proszę poruszać się za pomocą strzałek w prawo lub lewo i klikać w miejsce oznaczone rączką .
Życzę miłej zabawy

piątek, 3 kwietnia 2020


Zapraszam na świąteczne gry i zabawy.

Oto książeczka na cały tydzień :
Wystarczy kliknąć 
S for Sunday niedziela 
M for Monday poniedziałek 
T for Tuesday  wtorek 
W for Wednesday środa
T for Thursday czwartek 
F for Friday piątek 
S for Saturday sobota 

Z serdecznymi podziękowaniami autorce projektu  Katarzynie  Kasprzyk

wtorek, 24 marca 2020


Zaśpiewajmy razem

Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think I know? I just saw a bluebird. That is how I know. Spring is here. Spring is here. How do you think we know? We just saw a bluebird that is how we know. Do the bird walk and strut your thing. Do the bird walk and flap your wings. Do the bird walk do anything and look around for another sign of spring. Sing verses changing underlined words to bee, ladybug, butterfly, frog (use jump instead of walk).

Spring is Here From the CD, Seasonal Songs in Motion By The Learning Station ©Monopoli/The Learning Station

wtorek, 10 marca 2020


How's the weather? How's the weather? How's the weather today? Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it cloudy? Is it snowy? How's the weather today? Let's look outside. How's the weather? Is it sunny today? Let's look outside. How's the weather? Is it rainy today? Let's look outside. How's the weather? Is it cloudy today? Let's look outside. Is it snowy today? How's the weather? How's the weather? How's the weather today? Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it cloudy? Is it snowy? How's the weather today? ***** Song: How's The Weather CD: Super Simple Songs 2 Music: Super Simple Learning Animation: Willie Castro Vocals: Ingrid Dumosch DeHaan and Matt Stamm